Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dubia Roach separation anxiety, how do they sort the nymphs out?

Ok, this week I ran into a new obstacle. I have 13 bearded dragon hatchlings that eat like hummingbirds. Last week I dropped $50.00 on crickets from Armstrongs, wonderful crickets but they were gone in a week so now I need a new feeder. Luckily I happen to have about 6,000+ blaptica dubia aka: dubia roaches in my closet stashed away for safe keeping. I typically sort out about 100 of the baby dubia, nymphs, at a time but this is very time consuming. I could order 1,000 dubia nymphs from buydubiaroaches and drop another $50.00 or thanks to my loving wife, I chose to sort through my colony of 6,000+ dubia. Now, the question at hand is how to sort the nymphs out without eating away at ten years of my life? Well, there's a wonderful little invention, you might have heard about it, Microsoft offered 44.6 billion dollars for it, Google, which was known as Yahoo! for the old crusty people like myself who remember it that way. Apparently this "Google" on the "internet device" will help answer questions. My wife came up with this wonderful little site, ironically is also on, here's the link: Dubia Roach Guide. I ended up spending $7.50 on 3 Walmart brand painters buckets, you know the kind you use to wash your car with, drilled about 3 million holes and voilĂ , 1,000 sorted dubia nymphs. Now my ravenous dragon hatchlings have about $50.00 worth of nymphs give or take a hundred and I only had to spend $7.50. I actually dropped a twenty but I netted Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and some antibacterial hand soap, the trilogy is complete! Below are some pics of our friend blaptica dubia, oh yeah check out this care sheet for optimal care, insert link here.

Top: Male (distuingishable by it's longer wings) Bottom: Female

Size ratio for dubia nymph

Solid Example of a Dubia Colony

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