Saturday, April 20, 2013

Tokay Gecko: My Neighbor Totoro

My buddy Dan, the manager at Clawpaws in Pittsburg, KS, ordered a small Tokay Gecko for me. I happened to show up at the store one day when Jason, their supplier, was dropping off an order. Guess what, I got lucky and my Tokay showed up the same day. His name is Totoro and I've included some pictures of him below. This is the first gecko I've ever owned so I don't have many pointers for Tokay care but here's a link. Totoro makes an awesome ornamental pet but I don't recommend handling Tokays unless you can raise one from a hatchling. Then your chances of taming this savage beast may be higher but good luck none the less!

Golden Rule #3 Do NOT house Tokay Males together.

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