Sunday, February 15, 2015

Leaping Leos!

20150215 -- A baby leopard gecko hatched today, that makes 3 this season and our dam is going to lay again soon. Check out the wicked noise that the babies make when you first take them out of their egg chamber, see below. Sire: Tremper sunglow x Dam: Super hypo, the candled egg is a dud.

Hatch date 20150212 Sire: Tremper sunglow x Dam: Super hypo
This is what a dud egg looks like when it's candled, yellow and lack of veins.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Hera (Rainbow Beardies) x Cronos (Where Dragons Dwell) Hatchling

Here is a beautiful little hatchling produced by my 2 favorite breeders of 2014, dam: Hera trans het hypo (Rainbow Beardies) x sire: Cronos trans hypo (WDD import).